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Showing posts from December, 2012

That's a dumb way to die

Cook the planet to death by burning all the fossil fuels That's a dumb way to die  Have as more children than the planet can support That's a dumb way to die Eat all the fish in the ocean till there's nothing left to eat That's a dumb way to die Pollute the ocean with plastics so seagulls starve because their bellies are full of plastic That's a dumb way to die Deplete the aquifers so that there is no water left to farm That's a dumb way to die Keep increasing atmospheric co2 levels to accelerate sea level rise That's a dumb way to die

100 more years of metals

100 more years of metals and then we will have to find alternatives or mine the heavens.

Where am I

You wake up No idea who you or where you are Screaming and fighting You figure out and are helped to operate the door You go through more doors and hoops and take on more risks, get more specialized, and become more invested in the things staying a certain way And from time to time you look out the windows and see other trains going the same way - some are clean, others are filled with people, some fighting, and others are grimly quiet Every so often the train your on changes the conductors and the engineers and rules are changed about who gets to sit where and how much money everyone gets to keep Most people can't or won't switch trains. Instead they buy things that help them pretend they are someone or somewhere else. Some of these things kill or melt them. After a long while you realize you have never seen where the train is going and that almost no one on the train is interested The problem is no one is going get rich, powerful or famous from changing the