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Showing posts from 2014

how it all slips away

it all does  slip away in the end that's what the scientists say most of us take a little bit more than we are allowed - because he did or she did, i deserve it, i need it or i want it only a very small number of us take much much more than we are allowed - because i can, no one will stop me, it's there, if i don't then you will and that is how you from a lot to almost none from trees to fish from oil to coal from dodos to carrier pigeons from woolly mammoth to giant sloth we all took more that's what the scientists say when we are young it is hard to take anything maybe we take nothing now we are older and our children are almost out of the house it's not so hard to take a little for our suffering, for the hard times when we were younger, for the long hours we were i am old now nothing works like it is supposed to just put it back the way it was - i don't care what it costs it's hard NOT to take a little for the drugs, the

Joshua's guide to civilization collapse

Would you like to do something to stop the collapse of civilization? Well go ahead but nothing you do will make any difference. What we can do is soften the blow. Eventually we will run out of resources to exploit. Liquid fossil fuels are so depleted that we need to drill five thousand feet into the ocean, and another thirteen thousand feet into the ocean. We need to boil sand to extract oil. Marine habitats are collapsing. And topsoils are eroding. Go ahead and buy nothing for a week if you like, think locally and act globally, or stop eating meat if you like, but on the scale of things it won't make a difference. What might make a soften the blow is not having any children or dying earlier that might make a difference. Reducing the number of humans on the planet is the single best way to conserve resources. Reducing the number of North Americans is the most effective. If you still think you can do something about the collapse of civili

irish potato famine

can the irish potato famine be understood in terms of civilization collapse? the huge loss of population the population bottleneck there are no anecdotes, no stories from the famine no one wanted to remember fear inferiority shame are there any similarities to the mayan collapse?

Failed State

Collapse Idea of collapse When downward forces are greater than upward froces Example American collapse Downward forces Debt Military Intelligence Religion Racism Upward forces Network Education Democratic Property

Why will the future will be different?

there's the whole cubic mile of oil thing that we can't replace - and then there's this: it sums things up nicely - ecosystem collapse, the garbage gyre, and the tragedy of the commons -


Interesting AMA on Reddit - Good questions - Do you think that the war in Afghanistan is or was winnable and could you please describe what you would consider a win? - What are the biggest lessons future Pentagon leaders should learn to avoid being another Rumsfeld? He is in this video Here's the Field Manual 3-24, Counterinsurgency that he edited Quotes: "You cannot fight former Saddamists and Islamic extremists the same way you would have fought the Viet Cong, Moros, or Tupamaros; the application of principles and fundamentals to deal with each varies considerably." "A counterinsurgency campaign is, as described in this manual, a mix of offensive, defensive, and stability operations conducted along multiple lines of operations." "Joint doctrine defines an insurgency as an organiz