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Showing posts from November, 2014

how it all slips away

it all does  slip away in the end that's what the scientists say most of us take a little bit more than we are allowed - because he did or she did, i deserve it, i need it or i want it only a very small number of us take much much more than we are allowed - because i can, no one will stop me, it's there, if i don't then you will and that is how you from a lot to almost none from trees to fish from oil to coal from dodos to carrier pigeons from woolly mammoth to giant sloth we all took more that's what the scientists say when we are young it is hard to take anything maybe we take nothing now we are older and our children are almost out of the house it's not so hard to take a little for our suffering, for the hard times when we were younger, for the long hours we were i am old now nothing works like it is supposed to just put it back the way it was - i don't care what it costs it's hard NOT to take a little for the drugs, the