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Showing posts from September, 2019

exploit the field of Ningirsu as a(n interest- bearing) loan.

site works best with firefox: from page 21 of  Tracing the Earliest Recorded Concepts of International Law While the “Stele of the Vultures” does not disclose the full terms of the agreement reached between Eanatum, ruler of lagaš, and Enakale, ruler of umma, further details are given in the inscription of Enmetena, Eana- tum’s nephew, E1.9.5.1. According to that inscription, Eanatum, despite his victory over umma, left a strip of land over one km. deep, belonging to lagaš, along the border under umma’s control, According to Eanatum’s inscription on his “Stele of the Vultures” (E1.9.3.1), the ruler of umma was obligated under oath to “exploit the field of Ningirsu as a(n interest- bearing) loan.” According to Enmetena’s inscription, the amount of land umma could use was stipulated by the acreage needed to produce 1 guru (5184 hl.) of grain, at the current annu