0. civilisations fail - why is so to difficult for complex human societies to stay organized? 1. civilisation is so young - only 6,000 years old - why? was it because the climate wasn't sufficient to support agriculture before? 2. civilisations fail when their consume all the resource their ecosystems have - have we consumed our ecosystem? 3. civilisations fail when they have poisoned their ecosystems - and the ecosystems collapse - have we poisoned our ecosystems? 4. civilisations fail when changes in the environment damage their ecosystems to the point of collapse - are the environmental changes (warming, ozone, sun) causing our ecosystem to collapse? 5. how does the quantity and quality of armed conflict in the world affect our civilisations survivability? 6. how does the quantity and quality of long lived radioactive isotopes in the form of spent fuel rods in the world affect our civilisations survivability? 7. how does the quantity and quality of addictive drugs in the world a...
following joseph tainter, vaclav smil, ronald wright, jared diamond, peter turchin and niko tinbergen Failure is the best option