Did you know that the existence of DNA--life--predated the existence of
oxygen? Did you know that the earliest life existed not by breathing
oxygen but rather by eating rocks? Did you know that the rocks were
sulfur? Did you know that we're descended from those rock-eating
microbes? Did you know that our bodies make hydrogen sulfide? Did you
know that our bodies probably use hydrogen sulfide to keep from burning
up on oxygen? Did you know that sulfur was also called brimstone? That
before Jesus was raised from the dead, he went into a cave?
Did you know that the existence of DNA--life--predated the existence of
oxygen? Did you know that the earliest life existed not by breathing
oxygen but rather by eating rocks? Did you know that the rocks were
sulfur? Did you know that we're descended from those rock-eating
microbes? Did you know that our bodies make hydrogen sulfide? Did you
know that our bodies probably use hydrogen sulfide to keep from burning
up on oxygen? Did you know that sulfur was also called brimstone? That
before Jesus was raised from the dead, he went into a cave?