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Showing posts from December, 2008

top reasons to study collapse

0. civilisations fail - why is so to difficult for complex human societies to stay organized? 1. civilisation is so young - only 6,000 years old - why? was it because the climate wasn't sufficient to support agriculture before? 2. civilisations fail when their consume all the resource their ecosystems have - have we consumed our ecosystem? 3. civilisations fail when they have poisoned their ecosystems - and the ecosystems collapse - have we poisoned our ecosystems? 4. civilisations fail when changes in the environment damage their ecosystems to the point of collapse - are the environmental changes (warming, ozone, sun) causing our ecosystem to collapse? 5. how does the quantity and quality of armed conflict in the world affect our civilisations survivability? 6. how does the quantity and quality of long lived radioactive isotopes in the form of spent fuel rods in the world affect our civilisations survivability? 7. how does the quantity and quality of addictive drugs in the world a...

great civilisations of all time

how many human civilisations still around today are: 1. a million years old = 0 2. a 100,000 years old = 0 3. 10,000 years old = 0 4. 6,000 years old civilisations = 0 5. 3,000 years old civilisations = 0 6. 1,000 years old civilisations = we can argue but the number is less than 10. anyway human civilisations have all had a worrying tendency to die suddenly due to: 1. new resource acquisition and extraction 2. population explosion 3. unsustainable resource extraction 4. population collapse you might point to conflict, or natural disasters as causes as well - but those just hasten they unevitable. on their own they are unable to bring healthy civilisations down. conclusion - a change is coming.

i am the american empire.

i am the american empire. i will die. i have eaten whole ecosystems like my ancestors, sumer and rome. i have eaten forests, lakes, and bison - till they are gone. i have eaten most of the ice age hunters - till they are almost all gone. i have eaten all but the last hours of ancient sunshine - which has required the sacrifice of many children - yet to be born - untold future generations. now in order stay alive - i must sacrifice even millenia - the uranium i ate now to stay alive a few more seconds - will endure to kill for millions of years.

Isn't this an angel in heaven? check it out: What I want for Christmas: According to the project's Web site, ordinary home users will ultimately be able to get Net download speeds of 155 megabits per second (Mbps), with upload speeds of 6 Mbps. Businesses and other organizations using a larger receiver dish will be able to get connections of 1.2 gigabits per second.

evolve or die - a manifesto forward

a new evolution is needed evolution is critical - must not rely on faith - science and evolution is needed to survive - evolve or die civilisation collapse - wealth of nations - ecosystem destruction - we are nearing the end - ocean's end - land's end - atmosphere's end - pollutant's end - population's end - faith's end - we have destroyed the world's reproductive power in 5,000 years of civilisation bright side - we are arguably as old as the universe - we are arguably childern of the big bang, the milky way, our sun, our planet - we have survived multiple catastropic events - chaos hasn't killed us yet - we haven't killed ourselves yet room at the bottom - be the bottom - we have to go back to the beginning - rock eaters - thermovores - photosynthesis - trash eaters a new wealth of nations - ecosystem replication - bio mimicry and then some - life creates opportunities for life - new sustainable energy sources are needed - the wealth of the old nat...

Did you know that we're descended from those rock-eating microbes? Did you know that the existence of DNA--life--predated the existence of oxygen? Did you know that the earliest life existed not by breathing oxygen but rather by eating rocks? Did you know that the rocks were sulfur? Did you know that we're descended from those rock-eating microbes? Did you know that our bodies make hydrogen sulfide? Did you know that our bodies probably use hydrogen sulfide to keep from burning up on oxygen? Did you know that sulfur was also called brimstone? That before Jesus was raised from the dead, he went into a cave?