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civilization and brain damage


- indigenous people's fight civilization
-- the celts fought the romans
-- the gauls fought the romans
-- the amazonian peoples fight the canadian mining companies

- why fight?
-- because the civilized people act brain damaged
-- they pollute rivers
-- they destroy forests
-- they dig huge holes in the groud
-- that is the behaviour of someone with brain damage

- consider rapa nui aka easter island
-- the civilized people that built the moai
-- did moai users have better reproductive success?
-- did competitive moai (ie. building bigger) have better reproductive success?
-- they chopped down the last tree
-- they lived on an island
-- no trees = no boats = no food

- consider the farmers of the central valley in california or farmers in ancient sumer
-- the water table falling
-- salt increasing
-- increased production leads to decreasing yields

- civilization has bred brain damaged humans
-- agricultural has selected for what behaviour?
-- utilizing surplus food for feeding soliders for war
-- fossil fuel use has selected for what behaviour?
-- utilizing fuel as a force multiplier

- cultures that weaponize and exploit resources faster have increased reproductive success
-- heat death is inevitable

- evolution has selected for weaponizers, exploiters, polluters

- consider fossil fuel users - are they better able to reproduce than non-fossil fuel users?

- consider military industrial complex users - are they better able to reproduce than non military industrial complex users?

- consider tar sands oil extractors - are they better able to reproduce than non tar sands oil extractors?

- does not each of these steps lead to more and more desperate measures in order to out compete other organisms for access to vital resources necessary for reproduction?

all roads lead to destruction
all destruction leads to new roads


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