tainter says civilizations collapse becuse their problems solving solutions eventually fail to solve problems
but what he doesn't say is why
my hypothesis is that elites fail to solve to the problem.
sumerian elites were aware of the problems
mayan elites were aware of the problems
roman elites were aware of the problems
spanish elites were aware of the problems
british elites were aware of the problems
french elites on hispaniola were aware of the problems
cuban elites were aware of the problems
russian royal elites were aware of the problems
USSR elites were aware of the problems
US bank elites were aware of the problems
Enron elites were aware of the problems
you can't imagine they were stupid or blind or unaware
so why did the elites not solve the problems?
personal benefit
behaviors that that had established their wealth and position as elites were the problem
a tipping point had been passed
private profit public peril
elite exist to exploit the commons as parasites
it is tolerated as long as it is not to obnoxious
but eventually they get bigger than the host and kill the host - sumer, rome, easter island
the host rebels and kills the parasites - france, usa, china
behaviors that had been profitable before were destructive now
but what he doesn't say is why
my hypothesis is that elites fail to solve to the problem.
sumerian elites were aware of the problems
mayan elites were aware of the problems
roman elites were aware of the problems
spanish elites were aware of the problems
british elites were aware of the problems
french elites on hispaniola were aware of the problems
cuban elites were aware of the problems
russian royal elites were aware of the problems
USSR elites were aware of the problems
US bank elites were aware of the problems
Enron elites were aware of the problems
you can't imagine they were stupid or blind or unaware
so why did the elites not solve the problems?
personal benefit
behaviors that that had established their wealth and position as elites were the problem
a tipping point had been passed
private profit public peril
elite exist to exploit the commons as parasites
it is tolerated as long as it is not to obnoxious
but eventually they get bigger than the host and kill the host - sumer, rome, easter island
the host rebels and kills the parasites - france, usa, china
behaviors that had been profitable before were destructive now