What does the future bring? 1 The first horseman of the apocalypse - peak energy - causes - energy costs to rise sharply - usage by cars 41%, trucks 13%, materials 10%, heat 10%, air travel 7% and other 19% shrinks - the world gets smaller and more local due to reduced travel leading to increased costs - car infrastructure - highways and bridges - become more difficult to maintain, justify and build - marginal remote communities are threatened - militaries focus on nuclear powered vessels - farming returns to less mechanized forms leading to increased costs - train usage will increase - whats the solution? - alternative fuels - are they sufficient to replace fossil fuels? - not even close - http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/withouthotair/c18/page_103.shtml - cellulose to gas - How to profit? - which items will increase in the price the most? - the items that have the longest to travel by truck - the items that are the heaviest - new cities will rise to prominenc...
following joseph tainter, vaclav smil, ronald wright, jared diamond, peter turchin and niko tinbergen Failure is the best option