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If the ice in Greenland and Antartica was as valuable as the damage losing it would cost - how valuable would that ice be?

If the ice in Greenland and Antartica was as valuable as the damage losing it would cost - how valuable would that ice be?
The 20 cities listed in "Future flood losses in major coastal cities" published by NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE - put the cost at $1 Trillion per year.
So - any ideas on how I can short these cities? 
Credit default swaps on global warming bonds?
Wall Street - can you figure out how to make billions saving the planet from carbon?
Be quick about it - Manhattan is almost under water...

Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries
The article cites the work of Dr James Hansen. He has prepared a video - watch the video presentation by Dr James Hansen Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms Video Abstract
Published on Mar 21, 2016
Sign up for Dr. James Hansen's email list to receive his latest communications:
Dr. James E. Hansen
The Earth Institute/Interchurch Building
475 Riverside Drive, Room 239T
New YorkNY  10155

Boulders in the Bahamas 
04 August 2015
James Hansen

Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 C global warming is highly dangerous

J. Hansen1, M. Sato1, P. Hearty2, R. Ruedy3,4, M. Kelley3,4, V. Masson-Delmotte5, G. Russell4, G. Tselioudis4, J. Cao6, E. Rignot7,8, I. Velicogna8,7, E. Kandiano9, K. von Schuckmann10, P. Kharecha1,4, A. N. Legrande4, M. Bauer11, and
K.-W. Lo

under review for the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP) 

That’s heavy
Climate-change warnings include rising seas and wild weather shifts. But giant flying boulders?
(The Washington Post)


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