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i am obsessed with showing how current events are mirroring past civilisation collapses

i am obsessed with showing how current events are mirroring past civilisation collapses

specifically how the american empire is following the joseph tainter's law - collapse follows when continued investment in complexity yields ever declining returns to the point that investment in complexity yields negative returns and collapse inevitably follows.

declining returns
- where increased investment is required to maintain the status quo, or increased investment is required to get LESS
- where investments by elites impoverish the peasantry

here's a list of investments the american empire has made / is making with declining returns - in no order at the moment:

- sarbanes oxley - prevent stock holder accounting fraud aka enron
-- are investors provably safer? NOT
- tsa - air port security - prevent another 911
-- are passengers provably safer? NOT
- the american embassy in baghdad - monumental architecture at it's finest
-- are consumers paying less at the pump? NOT
- the bank bailouts - prevent the financial system crash aka great depression
-- are consumers able to borrow money? NOT
-- are the same elites calling the shots? YES


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