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Showing posts from May, 2012


The Purpose of Spectacular Wealth, According to a Spectacularly Wealthy Guy who knows more about the economy? bain's former new york manager that re portedly has made hundreds of millions or   nouriel roubini and other economists? for all that he is still scrooge - are there no work houses for the poor? as if there is no social contract.   The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said "This is mine," and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the  true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody. http://en.wikip

Dedication to Apollo Carved into the temple were three phrases: γνῶθι σεαυτόν (gnōthi seautón = "know thyself") and μηδέν άγαν (mēdén ágan = "nothing in excess"), and Ἑγγύα πάρα δ'ἄτη (engýa pára d'atē = "make a pledge and mischief is nigh"). The first two I had heard - but not the third. I have been told to make goals - targets - quotas. These are pledges. I have been told that I need goals in order to achieve and succeed, because if I didn't have goals I wouldn't do what it takes. What it takes is doing what you don't want to do. A goal is necessary to do what you don't want to do. Like quitting smoking - or selling $250,000 a year worth of widgets.

1 cubic mile of oil

to create the energy we get from oil by least expensive means - wind - we would need to spend an extra $10 trillion and would require an area the size of three new zealands The world consumes approximately 3 CMO annually from all sources. Source CMO/yr Oil 1.06 Coal 0.81 Natural gas 0.61 Biomass 0.19 Nuclear 0.15 Hydroelectric 0.17 Geothermal <0.01 Wind+Photovoltaic+Solar thermal <0.005 Installing capacity to produce 1 CMO per year requires long and significant development. Allowing fifty years to develop the requisite capacity, 1 CMO of energy per year could be produced by any one of these developments: 4  Three Gorges Dams , [14]  developed each year for 50 years,  or 52  nuclear power plants , [15]  developed each year for 50 years,  or 104  coal-fired power plants , [16]  developed each year for 50 years,  or 32,850  wind turbines , [17] [18]  developed each year for 50 years,  or 91,250,000 rooftop 

poor decision making by elites

this is fantastic example of decision making by elites that favors the good of the few over the good of the many and hastens the collapse

Handlemaker Bank

Stone age solutions for stone age problems 100,000 year old Steam age Peak oil is the uninvited fairy that curses the princess to die in 16 years Handlemaker Bank is the 13th fairy The Bank can't reverse the curse only mitigate the effects What is needed is leadership and incentives to mitigate effects Without leadership predictable events may result in avoidable suffering and economic losses Banking and investment are core of functioning economies. New economies require new banking and investment solutions. Energy component: Energy is like a currency. Oil, gas, hydrogen, or stored electrical power. Used by elites. New component: Promote positive post oil future by funding and profiting from the post oil economy

predictions for 2020

Slide 1 predictions for 2020 Slide 2 What we know for sure is that The Oil shortage is getting worse Slide 3 What we don't know is if we find 5 saudia Arabia sized oil fields by then Slide 4 What we don't know is if an oil replacement can be sold in all the gas stations around the world by then Slide 5 What we don't know is what are the consequences of the increased destruction of the environment needed to get the last drop of oil Slide 6 But we know that as oil prices rise so too will the prices of all things that depend on oil Slide 7 We know that in 2020 the prices for some products for many people will become unaffordable Slide 8 We know that in 2020 that food and water will become unaffordable for many people and we guess the international community will be able to share something but not enough Slide 9 We know medicine and medical serviced will suffer causing infant mortality to rise and life expentancy to plummet Slide 10 We know that couples will star