Slide 1 predictions for 2020 Slide 2 What we know for sure is that The Oil shortage is getting worse Slide 3 What we don't know is if we find 5 saudia Arabia sized oil fields by then Slide 4 What we don't know is if an oil replacement can be sold in all the gas stations around the world by then Slide 5 What we don't know is what are the consequences of the increased destruction of the environment needed to get the last drop of oil Slide 6 But we know that as oil prices rise so too will the prices of all things that depend on oil Slide 7 We know that in 2020 the prices for some products for many people will become unaffordable Slide 8 We know that in 2020 that food and water will become unaffordable for many people and we guess the international community will be able to share something but not enough Slide 9 We know medicine and medical serviced will suffer causing infant mortality to rise and life expentancy to plummet Slide 10 We know that couples will start families, but the some infertile couples that need assistance will not be able to afford it Slide 11 We know that current city sizes will get smaller as living in the gets too expensive Slide 12 We know people power will replace machine power Slide 13 We know that armies are preparing to fight over water land and oil Slide 14 Be happy. Everything you read could wrong.
numbers dont lie by vaclav smil why understanding how humans hunt is essential to understanding why millions continues to be spent on cold fusion projects instead of triple paned windows. why not start with what is proven? windows. smil explains that triple glazed windows can create savings of 90% - no other opportunities for billions of units. cost 15% more. why isnt this done? because it doesnt hunt. no hunter is going to acquire large solar surplus from the being the "johnny appleseed of triple glazed windows" in the same way the way that hunters can create surplus gains from investing the chance at discovering and controlling cold fusion. why are large surpluses found at the frontier - fusion vs windows? the chance at property rights. there are no 10x or 10,000x multiples for investors in triple glazing. all the benefits from paying to replace acrue to the homeowner. the key is to find the right investor. utilities will offer rebates to install energy efficiencies. since ...